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Japanese Company Launched A 'Smart' Table Fan.

It may be a little weird, but summer has always been my least favorite season of the year . Why? It's simple - I can not stand the heat . And the place where I live , along with a ton of heat also gets moisture in the air does nothing for anyone. As a result of this combination , there are a couple of things that you have to have to combat high temperatures - good air conditioning and an array of amateur quality . Here's the problem - you can only do so much. And for such a simple piece of future of technology , it can take forever to a fan in the perfect position to cool . But do not worry - it's going to change too .

Along with everything else to get an update of "smart " future of technology fans are about to join the party . A Japanese company , Iris Ohyama has created one that is almost everything a person could need for a cooling desired. It uses infrared technology to detect your body ( along with any other body) in a room. And of course , once it detects your body , it gets right to work fanning you.

I will not lie - I'm excited about this fan and would not hesitate to buy it. Here's the problem , though: you can not get in the United States , at least not yet. ( And honestly, I do not know if it will ever be available anywhere except Japan ) . But just knowing that there is this kind of future of techonology is amazing in itself . Could you imagine just turn on the fan and never have to adjust its location relative to yours ? I think this fan would have a lot of fans worldwide .
Japanese Company Launched A 'Smart' Table Fan. Reviewed by sumanth on 00:45 Rating: 5

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