Twitter ADDED A New Option "Mute User"
After I started using Twitter , it really does not take long before I was irritated by the amount of tweets that certain people would write . Of course, this is particularly true during certain sporting events, where someone tweet after every good or bad game, or every horrible call from the referees , and soon my Twitter feed was full of trash that could not care less . At that time, there was really nothing I could do about it, besides unfollow or block someone , and I'm a good guy , so I did not. So I suffered through mind-numbing Twitter Twitter after mind-numbing .
But last week , I read some good news. It seems many people are bothered by an endless stream of tweets by the same user . As a result , Twitter is testing a new feature in their mobile applications, and allows a user to temporarily mute users who are tired of seeing in their food. This feature will certainly be a welcome change for many.
It is not known if and when Twitter mute to normal ( not mobile) site will be added , but it is very popular in mobile sites one can only imagine it will not be long before making the change.
If you are a Twitter user , does anyone pop right you think you would like to silence - at least for a while? Be honest - you know that there is at least one person who could use a bit of silence from .
How do you feel about this change? You think it's a good , or should no longer think anyone could ever bother ?
Twitter ADDED A New Option "Mute User"
Reviewed by sumanth

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